Empresas Premium
Keep an eye out for fruits and vegetables. You are not the only one who has access to superfoods. Many seeds we eat are overlooked because they contain important nutrients and dietary fibre. The health benefits of pumpkin seeds are so numerous that they are considered a superfood. Organic Pumpkin Seeds
A glass of milk is not as soothing as a glass of honey.
You all know that milk and turkey contain L-tryptophan. But did you know that a gram of pumpkin seeds has as much natural antidepressant than a glass of milk? Pumpkin seeds are a natural and safe way to get a boost of energy when you feel tired or restless. Organic Raw Chia Seeds
Zinc is it...
The nature's source for the vital mineral zinc is in the seeds. Zinc deficiency has been linked with osteoporosis. This makes them ideal for bone health. Zinc is essential for your sense of smell, and plays an important role in your body's natural defense against bacteria and viruses. Organic Sunflower Seeds
Treatment of intestinal parasites
Many cultures use pumpkin seeds as natural treatments for tapeworms and other parasites. They are also effective against acute Schistosomiasis (a parasite that is transmitted from snails), according to studies. Organic Walnut Kernels
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